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Pro Gas Jet Drag Boat Team

Team Picture

Team Picture

Jim Lee

Bob & Jim

Bob Prigmore

"bp" Crew Chief

Bob  assists  Dave  in keeping the motor in top running condition. After each run Bob pulls
the  valve covers and works with Dave to check valve lash adjustments as well as overall
condition  of  the  valve  train  components.  If  carb  jetting  changes are called for, Bob
makes  those changes too. Bob also works with Jim to measure the setup of the boat and
make hardware changes when necessary. Bob is Dave's back up at any race that Dave is
not  able  to  attend.  Bob also  assists Jeff in analyzing the run data as well as being the
chief tow truck driver, getting the boat and driver in and out of the water.
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Dave Ebbert

 DNE Motorsports

Dave  is  our  motor  man.  He  has  worked  for  several of the top engine builders in the
Southern  California  area  over  the  years  and  now has started his own engine building
business  in  Costa  Mesa. He built motors for several championship boats this last season
including  Jerry Hick's "Hot Tub" Unblown Fuel Jet and Ron Signi's Ski Jet, which both won
NJBA  High  Points  Championships  this  past  season  in  their prospective classes. Dave
rebuilt  our  Schmidt  powerplant   at  mid   season   and  makes  all  of  the  tuning  and
maintenance  decisions  on  the  motor  and drive train. His meticulous attention to detail
kept us in the point's chase round after round.
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Jeff Bennett

Jeff Bennett Engineering

Jeff  is  our  hardware  setup man. He has worked on some of the top drag boat teams in
the  racing community, including top fuel hydro, top alcohol hydro, top fuel jet, blown gas
jet  and  pro gas jet. Jeff also is a crewmember on the Federal Mogul top alcohol dragster
Oakwood  Homes  team  that  also won the NHRA Championship again this past year. Jeff
designed  and  installed the pump intake, as well as redesigned the keel on the bottom of
the  boat.  In  addition,  Jeff  analyzes the data that comes off of the Racepak computer
after  every  run  and  decides  what changes in the setup are necessary for subsequent
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Jim Lee

Jim Lee Productions

Jim is our team vidographer and DAG (Data Analytical Geek). His primary jobs are to video
each  run  we  make  and  also to download the run data from the Racepak onboard data
acquisition  system  to the  PC  in our  pit area, so that we can analyze the data and the
video  after  each  run.  Jim also helps Bob take set up readings and measurements, then
changes the hardware to optimize the boats performance for the next run.
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Keith Zellmer
Team owner and driver

Keith  is  also the founder and President of Z-AXIS the main sponsor of the team. Z-AXIS
is  a manufacturers representation company located in the Silicon Valley area of California
(Morgan Hill)  that  provides  equipment  and materials to manufacturers of printed circuit
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